Oh No...Fireworks!!

The holidays are upon us. If you have a dog that is fearful of fireworks and all the loud noises that go with it here are some tips that may help.

  1. Try making your dog comfortable with plenty of things to do in a room that is as soundproof as possible. Kongs and other food dispensing toys, things to chew and toys to chew and squeak are good choices.

  2. If you are at home with your dog, have her near you so that you can provide a safe place and anchor for your dog. Stay inside and cuddle!

  3. Some dogs find much relief through a Thunder Shirt! If you choose this option, start now and don’t wait until the day of the celebration. Your dog needs time to adjust to wearing it. It provides a snug fit that simulates a hug. Instructions in its proper fitting and use are provided by the manufacturer and online.

  4. Play music! This again can provide a screen from the outside noise.

    All the best. Happy Holidays from Behavior Training for Dogs.